Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Goats are not Dogs.

It's always fun to take pictures of kids. They can be so cute. I love taking shots of the kids with our dogs. They too are darling. Our two dogs sit and stay and even sometimes smile for pictures. But there just seems to be something a bit different about Joe. He just is a bit more difficult to take a picture of with the kids.

You see, Joe only has one thing on his mind, and that would be food. I tried to get him to look at me, but he could have cared less about me. There was grass to be had.

Joe also created a domino effect. He moved and Big Cowpoke fell and Little Cowpoke fell. Oh, dear. Joe is definatly not as good as the dogs. You can see Bear dog sitting way far in the background. See how nicely he is sitting? Good Dog, Bad Goat! Joe also has bad timing.

He tends to wander anywhere he wants to, even if it is into a picture. Big Cowpoke tried to get Joe to smile. I think Joe is a bit camera shy.

He was not into this photos session at all. Then he finally stood still. Joe tried to show me his good side.

Goats are really hard to take pictures of. Big Cowpoke was being a good sport about it. Despite the fact that Joe would not stand still.

I finally got Joe to look at the camera, but Big Cowpoke was not ready. He was getting his plastic gun out of his pocket. But that is okay. I know goats are not like dogs. I decided to give up on pictures of Joe. Big Cowpoke was a lot easier to shoot.

Big Cowpoke went through this stage where he never wanted me to take his picture. Now he poses and asks, "Take one now! Does this look good?" He is such a ham.

He told me that this pose is what real cowboys look like when they don't want the sun in their eyes. He was all about tilting his cowboy hat. He must have been watching a lot of old western movies.
I guess he likes to be mysterious.
Big Cowpoke pulled up a seat to watch Joe eat some grass. He is such a wonderful goat owner. He cried the other day becuase Joe would not follow him. Big Cowpoke had been gone for a while and Joe had to follow me around. So, when Big Cowpoke came back he was a bit upset that Joe would not follow him around. All Joe wanted was to head butt me. But now it's like he never left. Joe knows where the love is. It's always fun trying to take pictures of kids and animals. But what happens when kids act like animals? What do you get then?
Well, it might end up looking a bit like that! Such silly kids. Life would be so dull with out them.


kdwhorses said...

Silly goat! Why won't they just stay so we can get a good picture!??

Love the hat pics~very cowboy!

And I agree kids make our lives so full and wonderful!!! And being silly is something I can do to!!

Thanks for sharing!

Karen said...

I love this post. I love goats, and Joe. I love Big Cowboy with his tipped hat and his mysterious airs. And I LOVE that last picture.

Trailboss said...

Such great and cute kids! I grew up with goats but not the same kind as you (I don't think). My dad kept them in our fenced woods to keep it free from weeds and such. They were afraid of humans. I can remember as a very small child thinking that if I just stood still they would think I was a tree and come up to me! How silly. Also, the kids would get their little heads caught in the woven fence. When I would free them I would take a hay rope around their neck and try to tame them. Needless to say it never worked!

Train Wreck said...

Silly goat! Very handsome little fella! Love the "tipped hat!" And the photo at the end! Your little girl has beautiful eyes!!

Mrs. Mom said...

You do such a terrific ob getting great shots of the kids (and Joe too!) Thanks for sharing them all with us! Love stopping in here, and seeing what the little cowpokes are up to!

Going to see the gators again soon? ;)

The Wades said...

It looks like you both have the eye for photography! Those pictures were fantastic.