I am not quite sure what is going on with my pictures. I tried the new blogger post thing, and it's not so easy to put pictures where you want them. I do like that you can make the pictures bigger. Anyway, sorry the pictures are all over the place! Well, I got my fliers in the mail the other day and they look great! I am so excited to start handing them out! I am also starting a new blog for Andrea T Photography!
I have been busy making headers and all sorts of fun things for my new blog. I do have to take my computer back to the shop today. There is something doing on with the video card they put in. When I run CS4 and other programs the driver fails and the screen goes black and I panic. Then it recovers its self and I regain my regular breathing.
I really should have just bought a new computer and not worried about having my old one rebuilt. I am also having issues with CS4 and Windows 7. I can't run any actions. I am getting ready to cry!!! So, hopefully the computer guys can fix what's going on.
Gorgeously awesome stuff!! I love them all.
Is this the same sister still waiting on pictures from me to design the front of my blog book?? I really, truly still want that if she still has it saved.
Good luck on your new business. You'll do great.
That kind of on-going computer trouble is so frustrating - sorry your having to deal with it.
I too found the new pic interface with blogger to be confusing, but found it worked better while I was using Firefox for some reason so that is what I have been doing, just using that browser to upload the photo and get the basic layout down.
Nice flyer!
So cool, seeing Michelle W. commenting on here too. It is like we are all girlfriends somehow. LOL. Sometime I get a little lonely and have to create online friends. Seriously though, your fliers are fantastic and your job will be a success. Good for you Andrea. As for your computer issue, we updated to Windows 7 and we have been in and out of the computer shop too. YIKES. So many of the programs fight with windows 7. We ended up buying an old IBM thinkpad that is the old XP, and that is what I end up using mostly. Good luck.
OMG that's awesome!
Those fliers look SO great! Does your sis do this on the side or is she a graphics designer? Can't wait to see some of your photos, when are you launching the new site?
Hope you get your computer issues resolved, I know it's a pain! Sometimes I just want to pick up my laptop and toss it through the window, LOL! I really need to get an external hard drive to store my photos on! Might do that w/my income tax return! Or just get a new laptop, LOL!
Love the logo and fliers! Good luck with the business.
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