Monday, November 1, 2010

Super Busy

I know I have been a complete Blog Slacker for the last 6 months. And it's not because I don't have anything to write about! A lot has gone on! The kids have all gotten huge, my yearlings are huge, and my photography business is busy! Just a quick update, Big Cowpoke has been so bad in school. He is 9 and his behavior has been bad. I am not sure what's up with him. Little Cowpoke is one of the smartest kids in his class. I am loving not hounding him to do his homework. The kid just likes it! And Cowpokette is just the cutest thing ever! She is my little momma and I love having her at home with me. I am going to be so sad when she goes to Pre-K next year.

On the horse front, Josephine choked the other day. I had to call out a vet and he tubed her and now she is fine. She freaked me out though. She had stuff coming out of her nose and mouth and I just couldn't help her.

Halloween was fun. The Cowpokes were Black Ninjas and Cowpokette was a Princess (what else would she be?). I didn't take a single picture on Halloween. I actually have been having some right arm, elbow, and wrist issues from taking pictures. It all started back when I worked dentistry and now it's just coming back and my arm just hurts. Sharp pain going down it. So, if I don't have to take pictures for work, then I just don't. Sorry kids! It will get better soon!!

And if you all (if anyone is left out there) wants to go see my photography website, then go and see it at!!! It's official. It took me a while to get it up and running, but I am really excited about it so please go and check it out!!!

But that is all that has been going on here. OH, and the barn is almost finished. I used to tell Mr. Cowboy that the barn wouldn't be up before Christmas, and I just might be right. We have just about 2 walls and half a roof up! I took a picture of it the other day and I'll have to post it! That is really exciting! I can't wait to have my own barn!!

But that is all for now, sorry no pictures....I'm a slacker, but at least I updated!!


BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Oh my are a.l.i.v.e!!!

So happy to see a post from you. Hope we get to 'see' more of ya (even without pictures) from now on.

TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...

Good to hear from you and I figured you were busy with life. It happens. I don't think I could have blogged when my kids were young. Hang in there with the 9 year old. Stay consistent and he will pull through. Until next time..... Oh, our yearling is horse size now, he is actually bigger than a couple of our horses. LOL. Amazing. Can't wait to see photos of yours.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

I'm glad to hear you are busy in mostly a good way, as opposed to running an impromptu nursing home or veterinary hospital due to human and horse injuries. Wow, I never thought taking pictures could lead to health issues. You must really have great business. That's a blessing. There are so many photographers who struggle just to get one client. I just started my marketing campaign and interestingly enough, as soon as I introduce myself and say I'm an equine and pet photographer, people get excited and make comments like, "I know people who have been looking for a service like that." If anyone called me yesterday for an appointment, I wouldn't know, though, because I spent all day at the vet hospital with Lostine. I'll go over and check out your photography website now...

Danielle Michelle said...

LOL - I'm emailing! So glad you're making $$$ from the business! I bet your man loves that! They all do for some reason! Remember to spend some if on yourself instead of more photography stuff and the kids! Like a day at the spa!

Danielle Michelle said...
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Fantastyk Voyager said...

We've missed you but can understand completely! Congratulations on your booming business but jeez, I sure hope your arm gets better. That's certainly no fun.

Carroll Farm said...

Glad to hear everyone is alive and healthy - sd for the boy thing, hopefully he grows out of it. 9 can be a tough age...

Rising Rainbow said...

Glad to hear you're still alive. We missed you.
and thanks for the address for your photography business.

BB said...

Hey stranger - been a while since I checked in - love your header!!!

I know you've been away for a bit, but if you have time, can you update my link on your sidebar to the new blog home:


The Wades said...

Glad to "hear" from you again. :) I get it about life being busy crazy! Excited to go see your site. Your pictures (that I've seen on fb) have been incredible! I remember you talking about how awesome your sister is. Now look at you!!

Rising Rainbow said...

Haven't heard from you in a while so was wanting to check in and say "Happy New Year" to you and yours. We're thinking of you out her in blogland and miss having you around.