I am
back from my very first
Cruise! My sister, Amanda, and I went on the Carnival Triumph. We went on a shorter cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. It was super fun! The day before we were to arrive at port, my sister flew into New Orleans, and I picked her up. We stayed in a hotel for the night. Where we were so super excited about the trip! We screamed like little school girls when we finally were free woman in the car headed to the hotel! Then we had some fun!

Me feeling free of responsibility for a few days!

You know what's coming next...........

YEAH!!!!! I am going to PARTY!!!!

Cause you gotta "Jump.....for your love! Jump in......" are you singing?

"Canon BALLLLLL!" This next picture is why I never made cheerleading!! ha ha ha ha

Oh yeah, I am so super fine!! ha ha ha ha ha!!

Crazy woman! I was so excited! I am not sure what my elbows were doing! Then these next pictures are why my sister was a cheerleader in high school.

Gosh, after two kids and look at her go!!

Yo go girl! We are free woman for five days!!! Hooray!!!

We tried a group thing but we didn't seem to be to grand at jumping at the same time. It ended up with a lot of spoof pictures and a lot of laughter!

I think I only almost peed my pants once......or twice.......The next morning we got up early and got breakfast and headed out to the Port!!

I was so excited to get on my very first Cruise Ship!

We made it on and got some lunch!

It was very good!! The Ship reminded me a lot of a Casino. With the funky carpet colors and all the decorations. After we got a bite to eat we ventured around the upper decks.

I got a lot of pictures of the New Orleans Port.

The "Whale Tale".

Some blue mattresses and rows and rows of boxes of alcohol. There was tons of that!!

"Who Dat? Who Dat standing in front of New Orleans?" Dat be ME!!! During the entire cruise that is all we heard, "Who Dat?" Everyone was pretty excited about the Saints.

My sister on deck! I was so excited!! This was my very first cruise!

The beautiful Mississippi River! While we were up on deck, we heard this woman talking really loudly! We looked over and saw the MOTHER OF ALL MULLETS!!!

Just look at those curls!!! She was jumping around talking about how she didn't bring a camera because she didn't want any evidence of what happened on the ship!! Don't worry Lady I caught ya!!

We then got to wonder around the Ship and then head to our rooms. The art work on the boat reminded me and my sister of some great puffy paint work. We then got to our room. My sister said it was very roomy. Don't mind the "orange" color to all the pictures, the room really was just orange! ha ha ha!

Our beds!

Our makeup station!! That will come into play later one!! It's a great story!

The Loo.

The shower! It all reminded me of a camper. We then headed up on deck one last time to see us push off the dock!

Amanda calling home and telling the kids she was on a big boat!

Goodbye Bridge!

Cozumel Here We COME!!!

Just look at all those blue chairs!!!

The ship made a complete 360! It was pretty impressive!

Two Super Hot Mommas ready for a vacation!

Canal Street, I think......

Goodbye bridge! Cozumel or BUST!

The sun started setting. There was a rainbow in the clouds!! It's to the right of the sun!

The sun setting, the Whale Tail, and New Orleans! We then sauntered back inside the boat. We hung out for a bit before dinner. We watched as we passed some other ships on the Mississippi River.

I almost forgot the most fun part of the trip!! We got to MUSTER!!!

This is my sister Mustering. Isn't Amanda one super fine Musterer. It was very informal. We were first there and so we were shoved in the back. We couldn't see a single demonstration. So, I took pictures and facebooked. I figured I know how to swim.......or something like that!! We then hit up the dinning room. After dinner we went back to our room until it was time for some Karaoke. We had a little visitor in our room!!

My first towel animal!!! He was so cute!!! I will blog about Karaoke tomorrow!! My sister and I became FAMOUS!!!!!
Oh my god girl!! I am SOO stinking jealous of you! Awesome picture taking! I'm so happy you and your sister were able to escape real life and have some fun!!!
And....I totally want to try that jumping on the bed thing! :)
Can't wait to see the rest of your pics!
Holy smokes! You guys were crawling all over the furniture and everything! I AM SO freakin jealous!! That looks like so much FUN! Glad you had a fun time - are the towel creatures the best?! I love em!
Hahaha that picture of her and you jumping at the same time is hilarious!
That is one mullet for sure. You sure thats a lady?!
What a fun trip! Love those crazy hotel pics, haha!
You so crazy girl! Are you sure that mullet person ws a lady? :-) Can't wait for the next installment!
What a crazy time! I can't even do any of those jumps on the bed anymore with my hips and wonky knee. Look at you! Wow!
Love the towel critter. lol!
I look forward to reading about the rest of your trip.
How's Ozzie doing?
Okay, so were y'all on the first floor of the hotel when all that jumping was goin' on? Or were you torturing someone below you? hehehe
Can't wait to see what happened next!
Looks like you were preparing yourselves for a wild and crazy time.
Waiting for tommorrow. Fantastic. I love travel blogs.
Looks like you and sis had a fanstastic time. Sis may have made the squad, but you got some mad skills as well. Crazy mommas!!
Can't wait to see the rest of the trip. Your post is just oozing excitement.
Look at the air on those jumps! How very exciting- a cruise ship!! Sounds like some great fun times are coming.
LOVE LOVE your jumps! Wow. You girls are so darn cute. What beautiful pictures you got. I'm so glad you had that time together. What total fun!!!
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