On our first day in Utah, it was a bit chilly. The weatherman had predicted rain for the entire week. The highs were supposed to be around 70 but some days we were lucky to get 60. It was a nice refreshing cool considering the blistering heat the South was getting. We got to sleep with our window open, which never happens in the South.

My oldest sister (I have four sisters) and I had planned to go dress shopping on my first day there. So, while we waited for her phone call, to let us know she was ready, the Cowpokes and I went for a walk.

Little Cowpoke was so excited about the sidewalks. When we went outside he said, "
WOW! Mom, look they have sidewalks!!" He insisted on walking on the sidewalk for the first part of our walk. But then with the hills and such, he got a bit tired. So, he opted to ride. When we got home the kids and I explored the backyard.

Grandma and Grandpa have a fun fish pond in their back yard. Little Cowpoke was really excited to see the BIG fish in the pond.

There are only three fish left from a horrible raccoon attack.

Cowpokette was a bit moody the first day. She was out of her element. But she had fun looking at fish too.

Grandma and Grandpa have a really neat backyard. It's a bit different from ours. Well, our back yard is a horse pasture, so I guess theirs is a lot different from ours.

The Cowpokes soon found the best spot to watch the fish.

Cowpokette finally spotted one. There was one super big fish and two medium sized ones. They were acting like they were starving.

It was neat to see the fish swim right up to the deck. They weren't too scared of the kids.

We hung out on the deck for a while. It was a really nice morning. Not too hot and not too cold. Then Little Cowpoke wanted to take some pictures.

He didn't do too shabby. Then we found out that the fish did get fed and so the Cowpokes were able to toss some fish food into the pond. They were really excited about feeding the fish. That is one animal we do not have at our house.

There is the big guy. He was a bit camera shy. I tried to get a good picture of him, but he was a fast one. After feeding the fish, the Cowpokes and I went inside to see if my oldest sister called. She had! It was time to go Mardi Gras Dress Shopping!! We went to a store and tried on lots of dresses. This is the one that we decided looked the best. What do you all think?

It's for the Formal Mardi Gras ball. The belt ribbon thingy is actually a chocolate brown color. I didn't buy it from that store because the service there was horrible. So, I found another store where I can order it made to fit me. And for cheaper!! So, now all I have to do is not gain any weight from now until January!! Wish me luck with that!! But it was a successful first day of the Cowpokes' and my vacation. Oh, and we only had one down pour of rain that day. Not too bad.