It has been such a long time since I have blogged. I think it's about time I get back into it. There have been so many fun moments in our lives the last year, that I just have not written down. I need to get back into the swing of blogging. Here is a tiny preview of what we have been up to!!

Cowpokette has grown some! She is so fun!! She has been in a pageant and won Best Fashion! She loves make-up, pink, and rodeos! She rode my horse Pearl for the first time the other day with out any help!! I'm so proud of my little Princess!

Big Cowpoke is just that....BIG! He is so tall! Growing like a weed. He played basketball this year! He also is rodeoing again. He started to rope this past fall. Peanut, his horse, was all about it. They did pretty well. They tracked a dummy and they got to track out of the box. It was pretty fun!

And then there is Little Cowpoke!!!

Here he and his good friend are all dressed and ready to take the town for the Kids' Mardi Gras Ball!! He was so fashionable! He wore his tennis shoes! So fancy!

Here are all the little Studs that went with us!! They had a blast!! Big Cowpoke is in the middle! Little Cowpoke also did a Science Fair project on Owl Pellets. He LOVED it. He found all sorts of bones inside the pellet. He won first place on his poster! I was so proud of him!

And this picture is horrid, but he's just so cute! You can see the boys' hair is super LONG!!! They love it, I hate it....but such is life. Sigh......

Here is the entire Crew!! I love this picture....not because it's perfect, but it shows how we really are!! Cowpokette is in Pink and the Boss of her brothers. The boys have their dogs and don't need anything else....and Brodi....well....old man Brodi just LOVES the kids....ha ha ha ha. And they are all a mess too!! That is how we look 90% of the time!

We must not forget to get some pictures of Mr. Cowboy himself!! Here he is with his two girls, and Old Man Brodi! Again, Brodi looking not so sure of what is going on.

Here is my Josephine! She is a tank and she is registered Buckskin!! Woot woot! Not that she looks like it, but hey, we will let her genes speak for themselves. She will be broke out this summer.

Okay, now back to my Stud! Mr. Cowboy and I went to the Mardi Gras Ball dressed as characters from the Movie Grease. The theme was Hollywood!

My Mom came to visit and made me this fantastic poodle skirt! I loved it!! But that is about it! I'm in the middle of my super most busy time of year! I have Senior Portrait Sessions booked like crazy and I'm just busy, busy, busy. I can't wait for April to be over!!!
But I plan on being back! I've had so many fun stories to tell and I haven't been writing them down. So, here is to a new year of blogging!!
Those kids have gotten so big!!! Big Cowpoke has great roping form. Love the owl pellet project, I was totally into those as a kid.
Your family is too cool!
Very one looks so good! Glad to catch up with ya!
Loved hearing from you again Andrea. You all seem great and the photos I have seen on facebook are great. Way to go.
Looks like everything has been going well! glad to have the update!
I'm so glad you're back! I missed you! Glad to hear all is well and the year is looking up!
Kids are adorable!
PS - been checking out the photo blog! Glad all is BOOMING in that area!!!
Congrats on the new biz! Your shots are amazing!
We've been missing you. Life just keeps moving on, doesn't it? The kids sure are growing. Are you sure Cowpokette isn't a princess? She's beautiful!
Loved the photo of the two of you dressed like characters from Grease.
And the photo of your daughter on her Daddy's lap surrounded by dogs, while she picks her nose, totally cracked me up! LOL!!!!
Great to see you posting again,
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