We have had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain. Which tends to lead to mud, mud, and more mud. We have been trying to keep the sand raked to help it dry out. But really, nothing is going to dry out with the humidity at about 90%.

For the first week of our foals lives we keep them in the barn. We like to rub the foals and brush them. We even get them used to a halter. We keep the mare and foal in a stall over night and then we turn them out in the center area of our barn. This center part normally doesn't get muddy. But with all the pouring down rains that we have been getting, the center is anything but dry. I was a bit hesitant at letting out the mare and foal, but I just couldn't keep them cooped up all day.

She got a little dirty last night. We had to sponge her down yesterday. She had bad diarrhea when she was born. My father in law told me that she was fine and that all foals have that. Which I googled and found out that it's not normal and not a good thing. My husband and father in law are the foal experts. They have had many foals, I have only had two. So, this runny funny colored poop was all new to me.

On her second day of life, I had to take a sponge and warm soapy water and wash her bum off and her tail off. It was all over the place. But she seemed to have gotten better. But I noticed yesterday that her poop was still a bit runny, more soft like, and a yellowish and light tan color.

It wasn't really runny, but still it was not normal horse poop. So, I googled that too. I found out that sometimes foals will get diarrhea when their mom goes through her foal heat. I do think Blaze is in heat. So, I am guessing that this is why the filly is having loose stool.

But the color still isn't right to me. My father in law said it's because I am feeding the mare
Omlene 300. But that feed is formulated for lactating mares and growing foals. I also read that sometimes if your mare has worms it can give the foal diarrhea, but we dewormed Blaze right before she foaled.

So, we are going to call our vet today to see what we can do. I think I would feel better if our little filly had some blood work done, just to rule out any infection. Then maybe put the mare and foal on some probiotics.

We will have to wait and see what the vet said. One lady on a horse message board said her filly had diarrhea and was still acting normal and was sucking, then one afternoon her filly got real lethargic and then with in the hour died. Yikes!

So, we are definitely going to be calling the vet. We also have to go and pick up our horse trailer today. We had an A/C unit put on the front of the trailer. I have been begging Mr. Cowboy to get us one. Now we can work on a little weekender package in our trailer.

Our little No Name filly is doing fine, other than the runny poop. I love how the older horses just watch her play. The geldings just stare at her and the other mares sulk. They all look at the foal like it's so not fair that they don't have one too.

This filly might be my next jumper. She will run as fast as she can and jump over the feed tub in the middle of the barn. This was a bit of a side jump, but still, she can tuck well, for a baby. Or, maybe she will be a cutter.

Or even a barrel racer.

It's so true how horses know how to do everything we want them to do. They just don't do it when we get on them!! We sure do have a way with complicating things, don't we!

But she is really cute and a lot of fun. We have not thought of a name yet. Some that we have thrown around are: Sugar Cookie, Twisted Sister, and........yeah, that is about it. The Twisted Sister comes from the tornado look to her star and stripe.

She is a fun filly. And I hope that all this diarrhea stuff is going to be okay. My husband is going to call as soon as the vet's office opens.
"What ya lookin at?"
"We weren't watching, we promise!" 
Our proud Momma. She is a really good mom. She nickers at her baby if she runs too far away and she keeps the other horses away. But I need to head outside and clean stalls and play with our No Name Filly. Any name suggestions are welcome. We are trying to find a fun barn name.