Monday, January 11, 2010

Rodeo Banquet and Frost

This past weekend was the JDRC's Rodeo Banquet. It's the club that the Cowpokes rode in last year. They had some announcements and then some refreshments, then the awards! Little Cowpoke has some scabs on his face from his Impetigo break out. It was nasty! It's taken a few weeks to finally clear up. It didn't slow him down though. Cowpokette didn't win anything. She didn't ride at all. I think she might just do some ground events this year. She would love to ride, I am just not too sure how I would do with my 2 year old barrel racing! After eating they started announcing the winners. Little Cowpoke was 10th place. He was so excited. He thought he got first place because his name was called first!! He ran up and got his awards so fast I almost didn't get a picture of him! He LOVES his bullrider belt buckle. He put it on right then and there. Next was Big Cowpoke's riding division. They started out with 12 kids. And they kept saying the kids' names and not saying Big Cowpoke's name. He and I were both getting excited. Big Cowpoke kept saying, "Mom, maybe I got first!" They finally called his name! Big Cowpoke got 5th place! I was so excited for him! In his age division there are some really tough competition. There are a few little girls who ride their parent's old High School Rodeo horses. So, for Big Cowpoke to be riding an old Sale Barn horse and get 5ht place, I thought was fantastic! Big Cowpoke's buckle has a bullrider on it as well. And it reads, "Top 6". Which I think is pretty cool. The kids both got lots of stuff. They each received a pair of bell boots, $10 McDonald's card, $30 Walmart Card, horse treats, Cowboy Magic shampoo, hair bands, 2 tubes of dewormer, barrel reins, candy, stadium folding chair, t-shirt, embroidered bag, and their belt buckles. I think they did very well!

This morning there was a thick frost on the ground. It almost looked like snow! The Cowpokes were all excited about the frost when they got up this morning. It really did look like snow! Then the sun started to rise and the frost was beginning to melt away. It doesn't take long for frost to melt down here. It might have been really chilly this morning, but by noon I was outside with out a jacket on. I think it got up to 40. Which felt warm compared to what it has been. Ozzie even abandoned his hay. Ozzie has been acting weird lately. I am going to work him tomorrow and see if i can't figure out why he has been off. He just looks uncomfortable standing there. I'll figure it out! Ozzie loves it when he hears the back door open. That sound normally means kids with carrots or Andrea with scratches! He is only a little spoiled! But that is what happens when he is the horse that lives in our backyard.


Paint Girl said...

Congrats to the boys for their wins!! That is so cool they got so much neat stuff. Way to go!

Looks very cold there. We have already been that cold, and now are back to the dreaded rain! Ugh! I would prefer the cold to wet!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the boys for their win!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Holy Cow...They made out like bandits! Good job!!!!

Don't they have lead line classes for the little kids? Meg did lead-line one year, the next she didn't want to be led-LOL.

I've seen some scary lead-line classes though. Parents running as fast as they can, with little tiny tots bouncing around like pin-balls in the saddle. Gahhhh!

Danielle Michelle said...

Both of us had frosty mornings and posts!

TEll the kids congrats and to keep it up!

Hope Ozzie isn't feeling 'under the weather'

Maybe he's just cold?

The Caple Crew said...

Dang you guys got a lot of frost! We didn't get that much...well then again I don't even peak outside til about 9 or 10, so maybe we DID! haha!

The Wife said...

Wow, they really raked in the goods! Congrats to them!

Now that's some FROST!

KD said...

Way to go Cowpokes! Your kids sure are growing up fast can see the changes in the pictures.

Paula said...

Congrats to the Cowpokes! And little dollie just because she is so cute!

He's off because it's cold! We're all off I think! I'm off my rocker!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Congrats to the boys!

Ozzie is so cute in his blankie. I'm surprised you even own blankets down there. lol!

Having a backyard horse is pretty nise, isn't it? Makes it difficult to sneak outside anytime, though. hehe!
