Then my "trainer" came out to the barn where I go to ride Chip. He brought Ozzie along for a little ride. Again all he did was walk Ozzie around and do some bending and that was it. Then the trainer had me get on Ozzie and went on about how I can't ride. I then was telling him how sometimes my feet fall asleep in the stirrups and maybe it's because I have poor circulation or something. He then said, "No, it's because your legs are fat." At this point I was a bit mad. He had said some other things too but I am not going to write them because it would take me way too long to do so. I then like the kind lady I am, took my feet out of the stirrups and flipped the jerk the bird and walked away from my horse. Sorry Dad, but he deserved it. I at least kept from telling him off.
It's aggravating because I am paying him $600 a month plus feed, and he is giving me attitude. He also said he was going to have to charge me more a month because I can't keep my mouth shut while riding. Sorry if I ask questions and I don't ride exactly like he does. My goodness. He is a really good rider, but boy does he have the worst bedside manners. He can't deal with people. I think that will not get him anywhere in this world with any horse people. He is going to get some clients that know nothing and have to teach them how to ride. Oh I would love to see that happen. He would have a mental break down. He was yelling at me and I was trying hard to understand what he wanted me to do. I am excited that my horse is doing so well, but I could do with out the bad attitude the man has. I want to keep Ozzie there a bit longer, but I am not too sure I can take his criticism. It is his way or no way. Sigh. Mr. Cowboy says that Ozzie will leave as soon as the 30 days are up.
I don't know, but I do know Cowpokette had fun riding Ozzie. Well, she sat on him and wanted a ride, but she isn't old enough to go faster than standing still. I wanted to send Ozzie to a good western pleasure trainer, but knowing how Ozzie is not really "beautiful", like a lot of those show horses are, I didn't want to waste the big name trainer's time with my little gelding. All I wanted to do was show Ozzie at some open shows and then maybe letting some of my cowpokes ride him too.
He will smell good for about half a day.
Little Cowpoke had a better start, he roped his "calf".
Then he layed down and declaired that he was hot and tired.
I roped the dummy! As you can see, Mr. Cowboy zoomed way in so you all could see my mad skills. I think he was jealous that I am actually getting better. Okay, he so isn't jealous, but I do need to work on his picture taking skills. We had all the other normal events at our playday, stakes, straight away barrels, clover leaf barrels, poles, flags, and goats. This playday they added Buddy Barrel Pickup. I love this event. Of coarse I am way too chicken to participate. But that didn't stop Big Cowpoke.
He jumped up on that barrel and waited for Mr. Cowboy to come and get him.
Then there was Mr. Cowboy's run with his friend. Here, Mr. Cowboy demonstraights how one might do a superman off a barrel and onto a horse.
They came in third place at 12.469 seconds, even with Mr. Cowboy doing the superman. We definatly had an interesting day. Never a dull moment. Unless you are these two.Awh, sweet babes.
They had these really neat caves and prairie dog tunnels. I think if I were a prairie dog I would hang out here.
I would be the first one to get the food. Never missing a bite.
They had a bald eagle and a nest that you could lay in. The bald eagle had a broken wing so it was never going to fly again. I would have taken a picture of the bald eagle but there was this lady standing in the way saying, "Oh the poor bird, look how said it is, oh it's so sad that poor bird....." She kept going on and on and on. I wanted to tell her, "Look lady, it has a broken wing and if it didn't live here it would die, so just take a picture and move on." My goodness. Okay, now that I have that off my chest, I will move on.
I also love that we spend money to go and pet animals that we have at home. The petting zoo consisted of about 20 goats and three sheep. Little Cowpoke loved this sheep. I liked her too. I think I could have taken her home. She is so sweet. Speaking of sweet.
I could just squeeze that little girl. It's so amazing how she only sees her dad for about two days a week and she still is a daddy's girl. Mr. Cowboy made sure that Cowpokette saw all of the animals.
And she loved that he showed her every animal. Cowpokette is such an animal lover. And speaking of animal love.
Uhm....yeah....please don't disturb the bears. Let me tell ya we didn't stay at this exhibit too long. We quickly moved on to the creepy slimy house.
This guy was pretty cool. I have never seen a blue snake before.
This one was huge! I would cry if I would ever encounter this with out a really thick piece of glass between us. It looks like it could eat me!
I have never seen a white alligator. He was really cool. I bet he has a hard time keeping clean in the swamp lands of the south. I mean how hard would it be for this white guy to hide in the brown water? I think he might stick out just a bit. I do have to say that this zoo did have some pretty neat animals. I was pretty impressed.