Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost and Found and Grounded for Life!

The other day, Little Cowpoke and I were playing. Having a grand time. When we looked outside and only saw Belle. We let her inside and called for Brodi. He was no where to be found. I figured he was off in the pasture finding rabbits or something. So, I waited for a little while, and went outside and called for him again. Nothing. No Brodi dog anywhere. He now had been gone for quite some time. About five hours. I was getting worried. He has not gone far ever since Bear disappeared. I was really getting worried. Little Cowpoke, Belle, and I went on a small Brodi hunt around the house, calling to him. And nothing. Not a single Brodi hair. It was time to shower and clean the house so, I went about my normal house chores. Then Little Cowpoke opened the garage door and said, "I found BRODI! He was in the garage!" Brodi was so happy that we found him. I really wish the dog would bark or something. Brodi was in the garage for about 6 hours and didn't make a peep. I was so worried about him. I am glad he didn't go far.
He was really happy to see us. And it was cold in the garage, so I am sure he was happy to get back inside the house. I am not sure what I would do with out my old man. About four years ago, he ran away from home for 4 days. I cried and cried. I put up posters at all the local gas stations. Then on day four a lady called and said she thought Brodi was on her doorstep. I drove over to her house and sure enough, there was my Brodi dog. 5 miles away from home, that little stinker!!
I am glad there was a nice lady who called and told me my Brodi dog was on her porch. So, not finding him the other day was a bit scary. And now on to the cowpoke who is grounded for LIFE!! This is my front door window. It's a lovely door. It's made of pure Mahogany wood and has really nice glass windows. But if you look closely, you can see a design on the glass. Well, that was not like that when we bought the door. In fact, that wasn't like that on Saturday Morning, but some how, it got that nice design pattern by Saturday afternoon. Let's take a closer look, shall we?Yes, that is defiantly broken. Shattered to be exact. Not a single section not shattered!! Let me just tell you that Mr. Cowboy and I were so mad, we didn't even yell. Mr. Cowboy said, "You are grounded until further notice! Now get out of my sight!" What do you say to that?? I have never broken a window in my life!! Come on!! I wasn't that bad of a kid. The story of how it got broken? Big Cowpoke had a spoon and a rock and let me tell ya, that spoon can really launch rocks really well. Why? Why, would throwing rocks at my house be fun? I just don't get it? Boys.........


Mrs. Mom said...


Between Brodi dog playing tricks on you and the door,... girl....

Sooo you want some extra rolls of duct tape? Comes in handy for taping things to children... and .. well.. "other" uses too... LOL (I am thinking of taping them to the WALL!)

Hang in there... the door is still beautiful but I suppose not so safe anymore huh?

Margaret Cloud said...

I am glad you found Brodi, and I am sorry about your door.

Callie said...

Glad you found your pup! OMG! Boys, spoons and rocks! God help you! Good luck!

Danielle Michelle said...

Spoons and rocks....hmmmmmmm...I wonder how well that would work on some people I know....

Danielle Michelle said...

Spoons and rocks....hmmmmmmm...I wonder how well that would work on some people I know....

Pony Girl said...

I thought the door just had that cracked glass look, lol! Will it be easy to replace?
Glad Brodi didn't wander far....always a bit scary when a pet dissapears! He sounds like a special dog!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'll never forget when my brothers decided to use the bb gun on their bedroom window. Mom & Dad were more than a little p.o.ed. I don't believe the big cowpoke will be seeing a slingshot in his future.

Karen said...

I'm so glad that Brodi was found. It reminds me of the day we locked the dog in the pantry. Stupid dogs - why don't they scratch or bark?

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

When I saw your post, I was really hoping that Brodi found Bear. I'm really glad that Brodi's ok, though. How do your dogs get off your property? Isn't it all fenced in?

We have to keep our dog on a long line while she's outside. We can't let her run free or she'll roam and get into trouble. We used to keep her up in the fenced paddok, but she always finds gaps under the fence, or makes one, and then our houdini dog escapes.

Oooh! Poor window! Naughty stinker! I bet he'll twice before playing with rocks and spoons near glass. gah!

You should ask me about my twin boy hoodlums sometime.
There was this one time that stands out. I walked upstairs because it was so quiet (It's always quiet when trouble is about to happen). And I saw a huge tear in the window screen, and one of my sons sitting below the window playing with plastic dinosaurs.

I asked my son what happened. And if he made that tear.

He said, "No Mom. My dinosaurs did that when trying to escape"





Gracie's Mom said...!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

You know...I always wanted a boy...Thank You for clearing that up for me-LMAO!!!
I was like PG-I was looking and looking to see what was wrong. I thought it was the crackle glass look.

I'm with Danielle Michelle...would you please post a picture of the spoon he used so we make sure to get the correct type for target practice-ROF!!!

Brodi, Brodi, Brodi...dude, it's okay to bark once in a while...really!! Don't you know how much your momma loves you? Naughty boy!!

kdwhorses said...

Glad Brodi is home and okay, old stinker!

I too was looking at the door thinking what is wrong with it? I thought it was supposed to look that way! Boys! Phew, glad I've got a girl!

Rambling Woods said...

I am so glad that you found the dog, but sorry that you have a little Denise the Menace action going on. A rock and a spoon?

gtyyup said...

I couldn't see a thing wrong with the door's beautiful!! I bet it's going to be expensive...think he learned a lesson?

Glad Brodi is safe at home...he's just got the nicest smile.

The Wades said...

Oh man! Just file this away as one of those stories you'll laugh about when they're older. It's great that you got pictures of it! :) I'm so sorry.