Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Poo Poo Face
So, after this I decided that I was not going to get anymore sleep. Little Cowpoke and I ventured into the kitchen. I was eating breakfast while I hear the bad sound of water hitting tile and coming fast. The first thing I said was, "Stop that, right now. Turn it off." But the water kept coming, and fast!! While still saying, "Stop it, Stop it!!" and running, I found a sippy cup wedged up in the water thingy on the fridge door. Sorry I can't remember what that thing is called to save my life, it's late. But who knew a sippy cup could get stuck like that and all that water could come out of their so fast? I got the cup unwedged (is that a word?) from the door, and Little Cowpoke just laughed and got me some towels. We cleaned up the water and then decided that since those towels were all wet that we could spot clean the wood floors. So resourceful. But that was it for today. The rest of the day went pretty smooth. Thank goodness. But until next time may you all have sweet dreams and y'all come back now ya hear!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Killed Dead

"Cheeeeese!" Such a tuff cookie. Now this next one is defiantly killed dead.

Friday, November 23, 2007
A Thanksgiving Novel

Oh such sweetness!! These are so very yummy. This cake was really yummy.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Frozen Turkey Bowling

Here I am the score keeper. It's hard to keep score in bowling. These days all the bowling alleys all have computer score keepers. All I have to say is, "Move over Vanna here I come."
Here is Mr.Cowboy and Little Cowpoke helping with the pins. That one was a strike!!
The smaller kidos got to bowl with a frozen chicken. Here Little Cowpoke is getting some help from his cousin.
Here is my sister. She is a fantastic frozen turkey bowler. See that turkey fly!!!!
Here I am laughing hysterically at my sister. Oh she had taken a horrible picture of me where things didn't look so hot. Then she tried to take another and oh, it turned out the same way, so here is one of those photos but I cropped out the really bad parts!! We have too much fun when we are together.
I had a few turns too! It is really a lot of fun.
Here is Cowpokette. She stayed in her car seat the entire time and dozed in and out. She is still a little too young to bowl.
One last photo. Here is Little Cowpoke's little cousin being, "Destructo Boy!" Say it with your best super hero voice. I just love boys. They are so much fun. Now I know I promised photos of our dinner but those will have to wait until nest time, so until then y'all come back now ya here.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Let the Baking Begin and Money!!
We started out the morning with these. Well, she started out with these, again I just stood there going, "Wow, that is cool!" These are leaves made out of fondant for a cake that she is making for our Thursday Thanksgiving. Then my dearest sister made this filling for the cake. This is where I was saying, "Yummy!" This is a raspberry filling that she is going to be putting in her four layer almond cream cake. Move over pies, here comes a thanksgiving cake!!!!
We won't totally forget about the pies. I sliced some of those apples. I tried using one of those apple slicers from pampered chief and I about cut off my finger after doing three apples so I turned the knife over to my sister. Oh the buttery goodness!! I just love apple pie. My mom makes the best apple pie. My sister made a dutch apple pie.
Then there is pumpkin pie. Which may not taste very good. She accidentally put a whole can of condensed milk and she didn't notice until she had started to mix it. So we decided to dump some of it out and said, "That should be good enough." I am not a fan of pumpkin pie so this small folly doesn't really bother me. It looks like it turned out alright. My sister baked all day yesterday. Then after dinner she made the cake for Thursday.
Mr. Cowboy just called me and told me that he won 500 dollars off the radio. How awesome is that. We never win anything, let a lone $500!!! What a great time to win too with Christmas right around the corner!! He called me all excited!! He is just too cute.
Today my sister and I are going to be cooking and exercising. We are trying to work out so we don't gain any weight this holiday season. We are going to go on a diet together. We weigh the same and have the same bad eating habits, so we will do it together. How come it's so easy to gain weight and so hard to loose it? I guess having two Thanksgiving dinners probably doesn't help us in our weight loss does it? But I will have more yummy food pictures tonight. It will be a good preview for your Thursday meal!! I am so glad my sister came to visit! I will post more food pictures tonight, until then, y'all come back now ya hear!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Studly Studs

I am not sure what his full registered name is but we call him Dancer. He is about 5 months old here. He is fine looking boy. He is so gentle too. He loves you to scratch him on the top of his tail. He will be a fun one to play with too!! Those are just some of the 18 horses we have here in our backyard. These are some of the boys. They keep us busy. So, if you have a lady that you think would like one of our Men, let me know!! They would love to meet some new ladies!! But that's all for now, y'all come back now ya here!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Staples, Fire Ants, and Rocks

It was hot and steamy alright. It looks so shinny and Little Cowpoke wanted to go play in it. He even tried to go and touch it. We yelled, "stop", and wow he listened.