So, after my rear hit the dirt, I did what any other cowgirl would have done. I called my dearest cowboy husband and sounded all pathetic and hurt so he would come to my rescue. Actually, I was a little hurt, and I wouldn't have minded a rescue. Mr. Cowboy told me that he would be home in a little while and he would ride Ozzie for me. I was so grateful because my hand really was on fire. I tied Ozzie up and went to the house for some ice. Mr. Cowboy was so brave and said, "
I dare him to act like that with me." I get on the horse and think, "
Please please don't act like that." But Ozzie was an almost perfect gentleman.

They went back out into the big field. Ozzie tried to trot at super speeds, but Mr. Cowboy sat back and got Ozzie to trot at a more consistent medium speed.

Mr. Cowboy worked on some figure eights. Ozzie is really good at holding his head to the inside. He learned that at my dorky "trainer". But the thing about the head to the inside, is that when you go to turn, the horse will just give you more of his head, making him, what I call, a "rubber neck". Mr. Cowboy worked on that too.

Ozzie finally relaxed. Ozzie would tend to speed up every now and then but he was trying to stay consistent.

Ozzie tried really hard to be good. But I told Mr. Cowboy that Ozzie was good for me too, until I tried to track the donkey.

So, off Mr. Cowboy went in search of the donkeys. And low and behold he found them.

Again, Ozzie was a perfect gentleman. No bucking, balking, rearing, twisting, nada. I was glad that Ozzie didn't misbehave. After a little donkey chase they headed back to the barn.

Walking is what Ozzie does the best. But he should be great at walking considering that is all the "trainer" did with him for 6 weeks.

Good little Ozzie. And thank you Mr. Cowboy for riding him for me. I did ride Ozzie the day after I fell off. Ozzie and I worked on perfect circles and a steady consistent trot. We did a lot of walk trot transitions. All this slow work is making me a bit upset. Considering that three months ago, before he went to the trainer, we had Ozzie walk, trot, and cantering. Now we can't even canter him with out Ozzie falling apart. If you want to compair you can go and look at Ozzie