Ever since we got Peanut we have been trying to get to know him. I have found out that he is hard to catch. But he will follow Ozzie in, who is easy to catch. Ozzie and Peanut are pasture mates. They get along really well. Ozzie is a picky hay eater and Peanut will eat anything, so there's hardly any wasted hay. Perfect. Once you catch Peanut he is very easy going. He has wonderful ground manners. He walks behind you and will stop when you stop. Perfect. He loves to be brushed and is very easy to tack up. Perfect. When you go to get on him, not so perfect. He doesn't like to stand still. He has been a bit better with in the last four rides. So, I think it's defiantly an easy fix.

Mr. Cowboy hopped on Peanut to try him out in the field. When we tried him out at Mr. Dallas's barn, Peanut was a bit barn sour. He would try to turn back to the barn, but he was easy to get to turn the other way. Peanut and Mr. Cowboy only had one moment of trial. Peanut wouldn't turn to go out in the field. Mr. Cowboy gave him one big kick on the shoulder that Peanut was dropping and now they are best friends. Peanut has not shown one bit of barn sourness since the kick. I am hoping that Peanut just needed a quick tune up.

Out in the field they go. I do not know if any of you notice, but Peanut is not the world's most well put together horse. I have been trying to tell what breed he is. Mr. Dallas swore the was 100% quarter horse. I am not totally sold on that. Because of one thing.

The first thing I noticed was his tail. He carries it super high. It reminds me of the Arabian horses I used to show in Saddle Seat. And Peanut kind of has a hip like an Arabian.

He also has this super fantastic head set. It just screams Arabian show horse to me. We put a tie down on Peanut. I do not think he needs a tie down, but Mr. Cowboy said that Peanut was a roping horse and roping horses have tie downs. I think. I am not sure, I am not a roper. I have never ridden a roping horse. So, I just smile and agree. Plus, Peanut seems to listen a bit better with the tie down on.

They trotted around the pasture and had a grand old time. Peanut has two speeds to his trot. He will do a fantastic slow jog, which I love, and he will extend out too. Take a look at that tail!

You can ride Peanut with a super loose rein. He doesn't feel like he is ever going to just take off into the sunset. Which I like that part too. Peanut is a bit lazy and he needs some help getting up into a lope.

But Peanut will do it. He will lope around for as long as you want him to. Peanut also will pick up both leads. Which is a plus. I can't stand cantering around on the wrong lead.

Mr. Cowboy looks like he is on one of those bad "cowboy" movies where the riders ride with their hands up by their noses!! I had asked Mr. Cowboy to try to ride like he didn't know what he was doing. That way we will be able to put the kids up there and know the horse will behave. Now we don't always ride like that, just when I want to see what the horse will do. And Peanut did nothing.

Peanut also has breaks. I love good breaks. And he backs up like a dream. You just lightly lift up a bit and he will fly backwards. Peanut also will stand. At first he didn't want to stand still, but we have worked on it and with in four rides he was standing calm and still.

Good slouching Mr. Cowboy. I am telling you, he could be on one of those cowboy movies. But Peanut doesn't mind anything. He will go where you want him to go and he stops when you ask him to stop.

Peanut also has four white feet. What is that saying, "Never buy a horse with white hooves." Well, I guess I don't go by the rules. Peanut is a keeper. And yesterday, Little Cowpoke rode him around imaginary barrels and he weaved him in and out of some cones. All out in the field. Little Cowpoke wanted to trot. We couldn't get Peanut to trot for Little Cowpoke. But that is okay with me. The slower the horse goes with my babies on him back the better. Peanut is defiantly a keeper. And the Cowpokes really like him. As far as his breed goes. I am going to guess he is half paint half Arabian. But that is just a guess. Peanut also has a green goopy eye. We have had him on antibiotics for five days now, but it isn't getting any better. I may have to call the vet.