Last night, well really early this morning, our mare, Blaze had a little baby girl!!! I am so excited. We bred her to our stud,
Red. We were really hoping for a paint baby with some color, but she came with no spots. She will have some white on her legs but non on her body. Which came as a big
surprise for us being that this mare has always had colored babies. Yet, she is cute non the less. Let me introduce you to the proud momma. Her name is Blaze and she is a breeding stock paint. Which means she is a paint horse but she doesn't have any spots.

She is 10 years old and a really wonderful momma. She loves to be a mom. She is winking for the picture. She loves her privacy too. Blaze does not like any horse around her.

At first she didn't want us around her. She was hogging the baby and would not let us see her.

But this curious little girl wanted to know who came to see her. She wouldn't let her mom stand in her way of some photos.

She is a brave little girl. Wanting to see what Little Cowpoke and I were doing. See the momma pinning her ears at the other mares. She is saying, "Stay Away!!"

She really wanted to know what we were doing. Such a sweet girl!! I love the young curiosity.

definitely knows how to use those legs. She walked around her mom and over to us and back. That is a lot of walking for only about 5 hours old!! They are so sweet!! I just love new babies and their mommas.

Then I just had fun playing with some pictures. I am far from a
photo shop queen, but I hope someday to be. I love it.

She so loves to have her picture taken. A little model in the making!

Here she really looks little. All stocky like a good cow horse should be!

This is the curliest tail I have ever seen. She already loves to have pretty hair. I can see how high
maintenance she is going to be.

After all her pictures she was plum tuckered out. She just laid down for a nap.
She is so tiny. I cannot believe it!!!

Here Little Cowpoke stands and watches the foal. He really wanted to pet her.

She needs a name. Any of you have any suggestions?

Out like a light. We decided to leave them alone. They both looked sleepy. Thanks for stopping by, Y'all come back now ya hear.