Mr. Cowboy made some apple pie.

The Cowpokes waited for a chance to steal some sugary apple slices.

We threw out some food for the Reindeers.

It was a very important job to toss the Reindeer food out into the yard. We must try to bribe the reindeer to stop at our house!

Little Cowpoke thought it was a very important job.

He even shared the task with his little sister. It was getting late so we needed to head back inside to get our cookies and carrots ready for Santa.

Little Cowpoke picked out his favorite cookies for Santa to eat. I think we need to start leaving Santa some baby carrots and broccoli with some dip. The carrots were for the reindeer. I am glad Little Cowpoke didn't know the exact number of reindeer or we would have had that many carrots out on the plate. Then it was off to bed with the kids. It was actually the easiest bed time ever. I told them that Santa won't come if they were awake and off to sleep they went. And you know what happened while they slept?

Santa came! Hooray. Santa has had that big wheel in the attic for a year and a half. Santa kept forgetting to give it to Little Cowpoke, but this year he remembered. Then, not so early in the morning, the Cowpokes awoke and found their stockings full and toys under the tree.

Little Cowpoke loves Speed Racer. He loves it when you call him "Speed".

Cowpokette ran right to her baby doll car seat. I think it's just too much fun at how girly she is. She just knows what to do with those baby dolls and their accessories.

"Speed Racer" took his little sister for a spin around the living room. And then we finally got Mr. Cowboy out of bed. Then it was time for some stocking fun!

Yes, that is how beautiful I am fresh out of bed. I just don't think Christmas is Christmas with out horrible morning pictures! Next year I am going to start wrapping presents in November, that way I can get to bed before 2 am. Now it's present time!

This was Little Cowpoke's first present to open. I wish I would have video recorded him. He was saying, "
Oh I'm so excited! Oh my goodness!! MOM!! This is just what I WANTED!! AHHH!! This IS JUST WHAT I ASKED FOR!!"
He finally got his remote control red dirt bike. It was his favorite present. He had been asking for one for months. We opened it and put batteries in it, and it was broken. now I get to go to Wal Mart today and return it and try to find another one. But Little Cowpoke was a good sport about it.

Mr. Cowboy loved his beef jerky!!

Little Cowpoke was excited to get his paper and crayon holder. We got it in the mail the other day from Karen over at
The Rocking Pony! She has some of the most creative ideas. I just love all her shirts! She makes them all. She is so talented.

Then he opened this gem. He was thrilled and said, "
Look I am a chef. I am going to help you cook, Mom!" I ordered two matching aprons for my Cowpokes from Angie over at
St. Fairsted Farm. She has some of the neatest aprons ever. I loved the girly frilly ones. She made the boys' aprons with International Tractors on them. So, cute! And these next set of pictures are really for my family, so they can see how our Christmas went, so feel free to scroll really fast if you want!!

My mom sent me this fabulous apron. I was so excited. I wore it all morning. I love the frilly "skirt" on the bottom. Okay, just a few more pictures, I promise!

I got two new Nutcrackers! I love them! And do you see little Cowpoke in the bottom right hand corner? Do you see that hand smacking him in the face? Do you see the bracelet on that hand? Yep you got it, Cowpokette is beating her brother up. She is really one tuff cookie.

And then I got this beauty. I was so excited!! It's my Christmas/Birthday present. Thanks Mom and Dad!! You guys are the best!! I took it out and charged the battery right away. I am so excited. But after all the present opening, there is always the mess. I love the paper mess.

Isn't it grand? Mr. Cowboy was a great picker upper. He cleaned up the living room while I made breakfast, in my new apron of coarse!

Cowpokette loved her Belle and Phillip dolls.

And Belle loved her bone. Brodi didn't want his bone. He turned his nose up to it? He is such a strange dog. I think he was jealous that Belle got a bone too. Who knew a dog could be so emotional. And finally, the Christmas cactus bloomed!

We had a wonderful day catching up with family and eating lots of food. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.